Artemia Cysts for the new Sep-Art system 25 gr
On Interzoo 2012, Ocean Nutrition has successfully introduced a revolutionary concept to obtain pure Artemia nauplii: the Sep-Art Technology.
The Sep-Art Technology is based on an ingenious aquaculture invention. Sep-Art Artemia cysts are not a new strain of cysts, but the Sep-Art Technology provides a magnetic coating on the cysts. This new technology is highly efficient and allows a fast and complete separation of nauplii and cyst shells. Sep-Art Artemia Cysts (90% hatching) are coated with a carefully selected non-toxic layer of magnetic material. They look like normal cysts and the hatching instructions are identical. After hatching the Sep-Art Artemia Cysts, drain or siphon the nauplii and unhatched cysts into the Sep-Art Separator. The Separator contains a strong built-in magnet: unhatched cysts are trapped by the magnet on the bottom of the Separator. The non-magnetic free swimming nauplii are ready to use. Thanks to the gentle separation process, the nauplii are extremely viable.
Please check the following trailer on YouTube, showing the simplicity and geniality of this invention:
Packaging available:
1 x Box Sep-Art Artemia Cysts 25 gr