The skimmer 5000 series were developed for larger aquaria. The reaction pipe has a diameter of 200 mm. A separate pump (2,000 – 3,500 l/h) is required for the water supply, e. g. DC Runner 5.2 or AC Runner 3.0. The new venturi pumps of our DC Runner series with Power wheel have a high skimming power, are very quiet in operation and have a low power consumption.
T 5000 baby ECO: Total height app. 107 cm, required space app. 50 x 29 cm (without outlet D40). Venturi pump – app. 60 Watts
T 5000 single 6.0: Total height app. 185 cm, required space app: 50 x 29 cm (without outlet D40). Venturi pump – app. 60 Watts