Biofish Food Acai
New Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food with Acai fruit berries from the Açai palm tree from the Amazone! Discovered during Amazon trips, talking and snorkling with the fishermen= we noticed the most healthy fish were eating Açai fruits on the bottom of the river.
Gives extra colour and power to the fish = more beauty and health.
Ideal for Breeding Pairs, like a kind of ‘Red Bull’ = colours and energy of the fish to reach their optimum level!!!
Also recommended for fish that are weakened and need an extra energy booster.
Developped after 6+ months of testing in the fish house of Bassleer Biofish.
After many feedback from hobbyists= very popular for Discus, Angelfish, Cichlids, Marine Angel fish & Emperors, Betta Fighting fish, etc.
Zusammensetzung: Fisch- und Fischnebenerzeugnisse, Getreide, Krebstiere, pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse, Hefen, Mineralien, 1 % Acai-Beeren-Extrakt
Zusatzstoffe: Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe je kg: Vitamin A 15.000 IE, Vitamin D3 800 IE, Vitamin E 300 mg, Vitamin C 200 mg | Spurenelemente je kg: Zinkoxid 75 mg, Manganoxid 12 mg, Kupfersulfat-Pentahydrat 4,1 mg, Calciumiodat 1,8 mg | Antioxidantien | Zootechnische Zusatzstoffe je kg: Pediococcus acidilactici 2.000 KBE/mg
Inhaltsstoffe: Rohprotein 47 %, Rohöle und -fette 18 %, Rohasche 10 %, Rohfaser 4 %
Garantiert ohne künstliche Farbstoffe